Monday, August 30, 2010

any little reason

give thanks in everything. for little things, or things that may seem inconsequential, we still say thank you, awesome Father.

- a few good deals this weekend on some fall clothes
- a good burger for supper last night & time w/brother to watch a movie
- 19 accident-free days at the local poultry plant

yes, this last item is actually a reason that some are giving thanks over there at columbia farms off sunset boulevard in west columbia. it's celebrated on a marquee out front. walked by there w/friends the other night (don't worry about why we were walking down sunset at night), & we found it amusing that 19 days sans a poultry-processing incident would be cause for such delight. but sometimes it's the small things. even one day, casualty free at the plant, is cause for thanks i guess.

i recently came across a penetrating question posed by francis schaeffer- "what is the present value of the love of Christ in your life?" which i think relates to the admonition to "give thanks in everything"... if the love of Christ in my life has high value right now, it's helping me see all things- little things, disappointing things, days w/o any harmful accidents, etc.- as from the hand of a good, kind, righteous, loving, just, wise, powerful, gracious Father. do we need his help to understand & remember this? yes! do we need a photo of the above-referenced marquee? i say yess, for some humor slash entertainment, for posterity, and for a reminder to be grateful for it all. check out this aerial view of the slaughterhouse:

...& the slogan there is priceless- "truckloads of live chickens go in; truckloads of frozen chickens & a horrible smell come out." we'll push past the odor to beat all & be thankful for another injury-free day.

1 comment:

  1. Doll,
    That is funny and inspiring to find thankfulness in the things that DON'T happen to us out of God's Gracious hand that could. Great reminder to find thankfulness in every little thing. BTW that plant STINKS! Later
