Friday, February 4, 2011

everything i need to know

this is an excerpt from valley of vision... it reminded me of a favorite line from the old hymn "how firm a foundation"- what more can He say than to you He hath said?

"Thou hast loved me, espoused me, received me, purchased, washed, favoured, clothed, adorned me, when i was worthless, vile, soiled, polluted. i was dead in iniquities, having no eyes to see You, no ears to hear You, no taste to relish Your joys, no intelligence to know You; but You've given me spiritual perception, & opened me to Your word as light, guide, solace, joy. Your presence to me is a treasure of unending peace; no provocation can part me from Your sympathy. keep me, for i cannot keep myself. help me to walk by Thy side, lean on Thy arm, hold converse with Thee, that henceforth i may be salt of the earth & a blessing to all."

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