Monday, April 11, 2011

well-pleasing & aiming to please

dear believer,

the Father is well-pleased with you. you have peace with Him because He reconciled you to Himself. He brought you near, He rescued you from darkness. He met your greatest & most basic need by ransoming you. you are well-pleasing to Him. and with paul, we can say "we make it our goal to please Him" (2 corinthians 5:9). you & i long to serve Him because of His good pleasure, works He planned in advance for us to do. but not because those efforts lead to righteousness or garner His favor.

you are well-pleasing, believer. and you aim to please Him.

thank you, Father, for graciously pursuing me when i had nothing in common with You (romans 5:8).

may Your smile be my chief delight.