Tuesday, November 9, 2010

road trip revelations

i just took new car on his first road trip to savannah. for friend aimee's birthday.

some would argue the car's gender should be feminine. but this is not the case. i've chosen to name him paco. and girls who went to savannah (bday girl, lauren, & kari) unanimously sanctioned this choice. i'll have to remind them of this sanctioning once the incessant paco references become annoying. or maybe i can censor myself on occasion. anyways, paco took a little hit this weekend. but you wouldn't know it unless you looked really close. on our way to georgia, we heard a loud thud whilst going 70 on the interstate (& it was brought to my attention that i could've been going faster) but looked around & saw no cracks on windshield or windows. we conjectured it was a piece of tire & later discovered what appeared to be tiny skid marks on windshield. while paco is basically unscathed, i'll admit i was rattled & didn't stop shaking for the next 10 minutes.

in addition to helping me land on a name for vehicle & revealing his fortitude, this road trip also revealed to me- & i'm ashamed to admit it, & i'm pretty sure paco is too- i have the lamest music collection for a road trip, unless driver & passengers are all looking to nap all the way to destination. srsly. no party tunes. a few soundtracks w/maybe an upbeat song or 2. but i have absolutely no music that would engender some waist-up vehicular embarrassment. thankfully, the girls kept decent attitudes despite this deplorable lack. but if paco could talk, i'm fairly certain he would've scolded me & asked for a new owner.

another revelation- i love driving late at night. it's peaceful. and traffic signals are easier to see.

in a somewhat unrelated side note, by way of explanation of the pic, our hotel room was graced w/this wall-hanging. so, intermittently throughout the weekend, we referenced what good times were being had in savann. there may or may not have also been some self-guided touring. since the only things i could remember from a prior trip to savann were that midnight in the garden of good & evil and forrest gump (in part) were filmed there, i made frequent references to this or that place being the spot of filming. historically speaking, it left something to be desired.
hopefully, bday girl was still happy. we love you, aimee! and paco sends hugs.


  1. Paco!! And Savann with the girls! I'm tot jeal. And I love you :)

  2. Poor Paco, how can he dance with no music?! And...Paco must dance!
