Monday, October 11, 2010

your generosity undoes me

recently watched nicholas nickleby, a 2002 film based on a charles dickens novel set in late 1830's england. it's about a 19 year old who's thrown into the role of breadwinner / head of the family after the untimely death of his father. maybe because of the less than gracious way his uncle deals with him in the wake of that loss, he's surprised to find kindness in some of the places it surfaces. the most stirring example is when a guileless stranger offers him a reputable job at twice the salary he was paid in his former employment (which was at a home where orphaned boys were treated cruelly). i love nicholas' reaction to the offer. noticing his surprise, the gentleman offering him the new job says "were you expecting more?" nicholas quickly responds "no. it is your generosity that undoes me."

it made me think of the startling generosity of Jesus. for our sakes He became poor. i was His enemy, but He called me friend. the beautiful but of redemption- i was once vile & unclean & far from Him (as far away as i could be), but i was WASHED & brought NEAR. thank you, Father! what else can i say? i'm disarmed by this incomprehensible grace & unlimited patience.


  1. Dar,
    I love that line it is nothing but Christ Generosity that undoes us. Or if you want to say it like or friend date Mike would say it. "He undooose me". you let your dirty minds go where they will. Good post!
