Tuesday, February 2, 2010

more pumpkin

Got a little more cosmetic help on the site from friends Ben and Liza the other day. It was pretty hilarious how excited I was over simply seeing the heading centered (meaning I don’t get out much). I’m sure I’ll call on them again, but I hope to learn to navigate this some on my own too.
Now to the baking. Last night, it was pumpkin cheese bread. The cream cheese being the reason I chose it. Oh and the remaining pumpkin from the aforementioned Autumn Panic 2009. But back to the topic of cream cheese, for a confession: I may or may not be ignoring results from a recent health screening that sort of indicated I should be watching the cholesterol level.
Christy- who walked into the house like a breath of fresh air- made the bread with me. She’s pretty seasoned in the kitchen. Baking seems a favorite pastime for her and her mom- next week she promises to teach her specialty, white chocolate macadamia nut blueberry something oh man. Focusing... She was tasked with dry ingredients while I mixed the cream cheese, butter, eggs and pumpkin. Quick/easy with a tasty outcome: moist but not too rich. Breakfast for a few days! (by the way, this one also came from allrecipes.com)
We decided that chatting while baking can be tricky, for me that’s mainly because I’m a novice and have to check everything three times. So thankfully, for the hour that it spent in the oven, we were able to catch up on the weekend/Monday and on a book we’re both reading (Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen- do it!)
...and watched the most recent Office episode. Michael, your social awkwardness pains me. I cannot fully tell you how nervous it makes me to see that man standing at a microphone. Kind of how I feel trying to figure out the mechanics of blogging.

1 comment:

  1. You're a pumpkin-a-holic! Sounds delish, where's my slice? Wish we could have helped you more chica.
